The only posters/flyers authorized to be posted on in-House bulletin boards or elsewhere within a House (other than those posted for House or Hall business) are those approved by a Recognized Student Organization (RSO). Each House has at least one bulletin board that is reserved for the Resident Staff of the House and RSOs may not post their posters/flyers on those boards. There are additional areas where posters/flyers may not be posted in the residence halls/Houses: inside stairwells, inside elevators or on elevator doors, and on student room doors unless the students in that room hang the poster/flyer on their own room door. Posters/flyers may not be hung using duct tape, nails, tacks, glue or any semi-permanent or permanent adhesive. Students must use “blue tape” for hanging signs as it typically does not damage surfaces. Damages that result from the posting of posters/flyers will be billed to the organization that sponsored the event. RSOs are asked to remove their posters/flyers from the residence halls/Houses after their event has occurred. Flyers and announcements may neither advertise nor refer to the availability of alcohol at a specified event. A posting will not be restricted unless it violates the law, falsely defames a specific individual, constitutes a genuine threat or harassment, unjustifiably invades substantial privacy or confidentiality interests, or is otherwise directly incompatible with the functioning of the University.
Door to door solicitation is not allowed. If resident staff members become aware of anyone going door to door to solicit students or to push commercial or other advertising materials under students’ doors, they will ask the individual(s) to leave, escorting those involved out of the building, and report the incident to their Assistant Director of Residence Life.
Outside Office Posting Requests
- Visit our central office (Campus North Residential Commons, 5550 S. University Avenue, Suite 110) with 48 copies of your flyer by Thursday at 4:00 PM.
- Allot time to stuff house envelopes.
- House envelopes are distributed to House mailboxes every Friday morning.