

Dining House Tables

While living on campus, residents are in close proximity to our four state-of-the-art dining commons that include a different menu every day and a range of dining options to accommodate your dietary needs. Residential dining is a cornerstone of community life within the House communities where House tables, located in the home Dining Commons, represent an authentic extension of community space. At the University of Chicago, Resident Heads and Resident Assistants eat meals with their communities at their House tables, where they happily engage with this additional opportunity to connect and check in with their residents. While all students are welcome to eat at any dining hall, your Home dining hall will be where your House table is located.

Baker Dining Commons

Students dining at Baker Dining Commons

You will find House tables for the residential communities of Campus North Residential Commons located at 5500 S. University.


Bartlett Dining Commons

Students dining at Bartlett Dining Commons

You will find House tables for the residential communities of Max Palevsky Residential Commons located at 5640 S. University.


Cathey Dining Commons

Students dining at Cathey Dining Commons

You will find House tables for the residential communities of Burton Judson Courts and Renee Granville-Grossman Residential Commons located at 6025 S. Ellis.


Woodlawn Dining Commons

Woodlawn Dining Commons

You will find House tables for the residential communities of Woodlawn Residential Commons and International House (I-House) located at 1156 E. 61st.


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